
Epilouge: Relations Restored

"Inuyasha?" Kagome's voice filtered through the forest, finding its target moments later as he silently napped in a tree.

Inuyasha opened his eyes and turned his head to the direction the voice had come from. He could see Kagome wandering below him, trying to pinpoint his location hrough her heightened senses.

It had been four days since the memory restoration spell had been prerformed on the fighting Kagome (by a rather inconspicuous six-tailed kitsune named Kuruku) and he could see she was physically looking better than days previous. All of her scratches and other wounds had healed except for the sword wound near her heart. That would take another day, at least, because of its seriousness.

It had been extremely hard for Inuyasha to have done that to the girl he loved. The choice, though, had been kill or be killed. Kagome had been so far gone at that point in time, Inuyasha believed she would have fought to the death.

He looked down at Kagome. How could she ever forgive him for something he couldn't forgive himself for? He didn't believe she could. So he did what he thought was best. Inuysha had hidden from Kagome, ashamed of his part in her near death.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome called again, her voice panicked. She knew he was hiding on purpose. She could sense nothing out of the ordinary. No breathing, no footsteps, not even the smell of his unmistakable scent. Although she was not happy for being under Naraku's control for so long, she did have him to thank for teaching her how to use her enhanced senses.

Kagome sighed, "Inuyasha, I know you did what you had to do. It's not your fault. It was Naraku's and... he paid for it... with his life." She sighed again, wrapping her tail around her waist and playing with the tip of it.

"I can't blame you for attacking me. I was pretty crazy back there. I... just..." Kagome paused, contemplating just what to say to the brooding hanyou. "I just wanted to let you know that before I went home. That's all." She turned and began to walk away when a nearby branch cracked.

Kagome turned to find Inuyasha standing there, looking at her very seriously. "Kagome," he whispered so softly kagome's ears barely picked it up.

Leaping from the tree as the sun set behind him, he stood there staring silently at her frozen form. She could tell he wanted to do something, but he wasn't sure about it. "I..." he began. He stopped just as suddenly his heart filled with infinite joy.

Stepping towards her, he pulled in for a kiss.

As they met, the jewel shard Kagome had near her heart and the jewel around Inuyasha's neck joined, completing itself and granting the single wish between the two of them.

To be together for all eternity as two bodies -- one soul.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done, well done.
I'm very curious now to see what your alternate ending was like. I still would have been interested in how you dealt with the issue of her life in the present but, still wonderful job.

3:32 PM  

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