
Chapter 3: A New Assignment

Today is the day. The day I find and destroy Inuyasha for killing my friends and family. Kagome hissed lightly at her thoughts. She reached for her bow, testing the cord. It was still strong even after the early morning incident. Taking an image into her mind from her persistent flashes, she memorized Inuyasha's features. At least she knew what he looked like. Naraku had explained him and the others to her earlier in the week after she had gotten another 'episode'. The image faded for the moment and she smiled, heading off to the castle's sleeping rooms.

"Lord Naraku," She stepped into his quarters, dressed in priestess garments. "You wished to see me before I left?" She causally scratched her ear before dropping her hand to the bag she was carrying.

Naraku nodded. "I wish you to reconsider." Give me more time, let Inuyasha give up on finding you. Then you can destroy him without a seconds warning. He'll be too concentrated on his own feelings to even pay attention to his surroundings.

It had been nearly two weeks since Kagome had come to stay at Naraku's castle. He treated her as a honored guest. She had everything she wanted, and then some.

Her features had become more profound as well. Her senses had been strengthened during one early training session and she could now sense things even farther than normal youkai could. A high priestess from a nearby village had come to help her strengthen her miko powers as well. It had amazed her to understand how powerful she was.

My memory still has not returned though. I have a feeling getting through my task will be more difficult than I expect. Its strange, now that I think about it. I can remember things clearly from before, like Sota, my mother and Grandpa. But nothing recent. Kagome pondered that a second before answering Naraku's invitation. "As much as I appreciate and enjoy your hospitality, I am leaving today. I was told this morning that Inuyasha," she spat the name out venemously, "was spotted not far from here." She purred to him, trying to show her gratitude.

Naraku frowned slightly, changing tactics. The longer they are separated the easier it will be to destroy the hanyou. "One of the servants told me your favorite target... exploded... this morning when your arrow hit it. Maybe that should be a sign that you are getting powerful once again."

Kagome looked down, slightly embarrassed. Her ears twitched nervously, as well as her tail. "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for. Become much stronger has been one of your goals, has it not? It is remarkable how much stronger you have become in the short time since I found you outside my castle walls..." Kagome gave him a sour look, knowing his intentions of trying to keep her with him. Realizing he could not change her mind, he picked up a bundle and handed it to her. "This will help you on your journey. Inside are food, water and a sacred jewel shard. He unwrapped the bundle and pulled the shard out.

Motioning for Kagome to come closer. She obliged and sat down next to him. "The sacred jewel makes those needing it more powerful. Despite your youkai and miko powers, you may not be strong enough." He grabbed the front of her kimono and forcefully shoved the shard in the space between her breasts, leveled with her heart. "Now you will be powerful enough, no matter what.

"Bring the jewel shards back with you when you come. The curse placed upon you might not be broken as easily as you think. If you come back with the jewel shards, you could as easily change your fate that way as well."

Kagome winced as the jewel was pushed in, but the pain subsided as quickly as it had come and Kagome smiled at Naraku. "Thank you. I will kill Inuyasha and take revenge on my friends, my sister, and all the others he has killed." Kagome hissed as she stood up, brushing off her priestess garments and calmly strolled out the door, only looking back once to nod and purr out, "Then I will gather whatever shards I can find and return them back to you."

That's right, Kagome. Naraku stood up from his place on the floor, automatically changing into his baboon disguise. Destroy the hanyou. I will restore your memory then. You can live with all the guilt and agony until the day you die... He stepped out of the room, following Kagome quickly and quietly.


"Inuyasha," Sango's voice filtered through the trees of his forest. He wouldn't answer though, as he watched her walking around below him.

It had been six days since the others had come back to the village, intending to restock supplies and keep searching. It didn't happen though. Once they had gotten back, Sango and Miroku had stayed with Kaede since a large portion of the village had become sick. Kagome being a priority, Inuyasha and Shippou, with Kirara's help, had searched most of the area the group had covered in their travels.

Naraku had been strangely silent. If he still had Kagome, he didn't use her to attack them. At least not yet. Naraku would've most likely already killed her, so when the final battle came he could use it to his advantage, as Inuyasha knew he would.

He and Shippou had flown as close as they could to the castle, but had nearly forgotten the barrier until it was too late. Shippou had asked Kirara to take them back. Inuyasha had been dropped back into the forest as Shippou and Miroku had gone off to find help with searching for Kagome.

"Inuyasha!" His thoughts were placed back in the present with Sango's voice calling out once again. Jumping a few branches higher to mask his location, Inuyasha called out,

"What do you want?"

"I want a jewel shard for a short period of time. I know Kagome gave them to you before she was taken. I wish to tell Kagome's family what has happened to her. It would be disappointing for her family not to know. They would be terribly worried had someone not told them. She would've gone home in two days, since she mentioned something about school."

She shouldn't ever have to go to 'school', she should stay here with us... with me. Inuyasha sighed and dropped down from the tree finally showing himself to her.

"She should finish her schooling. Where else would women be allowed to be educated?" Sango smiled at Inuyasha for a brief moment. He looks miserable. She could tell he was by the look in his eyes, that all-consuming look of sadness. His face was still dirty from his breakfast and his hair was tangled around the ends. Sango pressed her mouth into the palm in her hand, trying to suppress a quiet laugh. He looks like one of those people in Kagome's book. What was that person called? A street urchin? I think that was it...

"What are you laughing at, Sango?"

Her face grew serious and sad at the same time. "Nothing, but a small joke Kagome had once told me. Will you come with me?"

Inuyasha shook his head. "I don't think I could face them. It's my fault Kagome got taken in the first place." He reached into his top and pulled out a shard. Tossing it to Sango, he turned and leapt back into the tree.

"I wish you would reconsider. My Hiraikotsu needs to be repaired before I go. Miroku and Shippou have both disappeared, so it is you, me and Kirara here. I'll be going in three days, if you change your mind." Sango turned and began to walk away, looking back once to see a reaction from him.

Inuyasha "keh"ed and turned his head away from her for some much needed rest.



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